Pastor Ponderings

Jesus Christ knows no season.
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

Jesus Christ knows no season.

Brrrrrr it is cold! January and February are famous for being cold and this year promises to be no different. It is to be said that, from April to October, we in Ohio have the best weather anywhere. We pay for it between November and March. Now is a time for blankets and fires if you are blessed to have a fireplace. Hot chocolate with marshmallows, warm drinks of tea, and other things to ward off the cold are all part of life in Northwest Ohio during these months.

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Being Easter People
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

Being Easter People

Happy New Year! Possibilities abound as we enter a new year living and working together for the Glory of God. I hope your holidays were merry and bright. Every year it seems God is moving us forward as He builds His Kingdom here on Earth. As we move for-ward, I am reminded of Jesus on Easter as He encounters the Apostles, "Fear Not!" He instructs them and us. Consider the radical nature of the Resurrection in the eyes of the Apostles! Jesus knows that change is difficult for humans. Resurrection was a change no one saw coming. Today we may take the reality of Easter for granted, but it had to be quite upsetting for those early believers as they encountered a resurrected and living Jesus!

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December is Upon Us
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

December is Upon Us

December is upon us and once again we prepare with joy for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus. How fast the time goes. We live in a fast paced over stimulated time of activity. Scarcely does one activity end and it is time to go and do something else. The holiday season leading up to Christmas adds to this pressure and stress. There are times when we barely have time to think. My question for you is this: Where is God in the midst of all this hurry and worry? Do we even, or more importantly can we even make time for God? The dark days of December are here, and the Christ child is looking for a home.

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New Orleans Youth Gathering Recap
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

New Orleans Youth Gathering Recap

Well, I have returned from the great adventure of New Orleans. The Youth Gathering was full of the energy of young people (on our last night, our group sang all the way back to the hotel, filling the streets of New Orleans with music). I think we learned a lot about ourselves and about the state of our church. We saw and experienced things that were life sustaining and life draining. We walked the streets together with 16,000 of our brothers and sisters in Christ...

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Rain, Rain, Go Away
Pastor Bob Robert Noble Pastor Bob Robert Noble

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, Rain go away come again another day! I can remember being cooped up in the house during rain showers when I was a child. This little saying was what my mother taught me to say so that I could once again go outside to play. I am sure this saying has become a familiar one to us all in these days of excessive rain. Rain of course is needed, but my grass has had enough, thank you…read more

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Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter


Spring has sprung! Life has been renewed! Winter has passed us and together we move forward in the light of resurrection, love, and grace. Alleluia, Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, alleluia! The cycle of life begins again. Springtime planting will bring the autumn harvest. Life is fresh and new. God is providing for His children…click to read more

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The Season of Lent
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

The Season of Lent

In February we see the beginning of Lent. Once again, this year both Calvary and Christ we be participating in a round robin preaching series with area Lutheran churches. We pastors will rotate among the congregations. The difference this year is we will be celebrating Wednesday evenings by trying a new thing, Dinner Church.

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The Community of Christ
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

The Community of Christ

As stewards in God's creation:

  • We are called and BAPTIZED children of God. We know whose we are, and we know we are never alone.

  • We have our identity in this family. We have purpose.

  • We come together in WORSHIP where we gather, confess, sing, pray, and hear the Word.

  • We share COMMUNION together as the body of Christ. With Christ within us and with all the saints who have gone before us, we become a special community bound by the love of God.

  • We are COMMUNITY and we are SENT out into the world to share the love of Christ with others. We don't have to do it alone because we have each other. We share a special joy together as a sign of the Spirit and we pass it on in many different ways.

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Sunday Mornings Come Early
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

Sunday Mornings Come Early

Sunday mornings come early. Depending on the quality and length of sleep I receive, getting up on Sundays can be interesting. Sometimes a nudge from Sandy is necessary to get me up and going. The fog begins to clear in my mind and the day in front of me begins to come into focus…

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Baptism is God's "yes" to us.
Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter

Baptism is God's "yes" to us.

On November 4, 1962, the Reverend Theodore Bunt, presided at the Sunday Service at St. Marks Lutheran church in East Toledo. It was a cold day by all reports. A large baby (only 3 months old) was baptized, and my life was changed forever. My parents and sponsors were there. My grandparents were there. Most importantly, Jesus was there as another broken human was claimed by God and washed in the waters of the Holy font. I do not remember that day…

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Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter


The term “stewardship” evokes all kinds of responses in people. Many people think that when a congregation undergoes a stewardship program that the congregation is looking for members to increase their family’s offering to God. Financial response is a good component of stewardship. Disciples explore and discover new ways of understanding the world and, in this case, our individual relationship with Jesus.

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Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter Pastor Bob Ashley Vetter


Emmanuel God is with us. We remember and celebrate God’s coming to us this month. Christmas is a time of great joy and excitement. The promises of God are kept. The Messiah comes to heal the brokeness of the world. Everything is made new in Jesus. We are made new everyday through the gift of our baptism. Joined to the Baby of Bethlehem, we are commissioned by God to share the Good News that the old of of looking at the world has changed. The change comes in the greatest Christmas gift of all time, Jesus who is the Christ!

Joy is something that is hard to quantify sometimes…

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