
The term “stewardship” evokes all kinds of responses in people. Many people think that when a congregation undergoes a stewardship program that the congregation is looking for members to increase their family’s offering to God. Financial response is a good component of stewardship. Disciples explore and discover new ways of understanding the world and, in this case, our individual relationship with Jesus.

Beginning with the first Sunday in Lent (the last Sunday in February) both congregations will begin a yearlong look at stewardship. There will be special newsletter articles, table talks during announcements, art projects for members of the congregation, and much prayer, bible study, and discussions about what is our relationship with Jesus. Lent is a great time to begin as we expand our normal activities. I always encourage us to do MORE during Lent. Pray more, read and study more. We have Wednesday services to encourage us to worship more.

The first phase of our year long program will focus on our baptisms. Many of us cannot remember our baptisms because we were infants when it happened. Because of this, it is hard for us to vocalize what this gift of salvation means to us as people of God. My hope and prayer is that when Lent is over and Easter comes again, we will all have a better understanding of our baptism and what it means. After we complete baptism, we will look at the role Holy Communion plays in our lives. This will be followed by a look at worship and how and why we worship. Finally, we will look at what the Bible says about sharing and giving as it relates not only to our financial gifts but, more importantly, the gifts of our time and how we have been blessed by God.

In the coming months you will be hearing from other voices in this column. SAM Jeannine and SAM Clione will be sharing their thoughts and adding to mine. Our desire is for you to hear from all of us during teh coming months. I will also be writing more things to enhance our stewardship devotions. This promises to be a year of learning and deepening our understanding of how God works in our lives. Don’t worry, it will be fun! I am so proud to be your pastor.

Pastor Bob


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