Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, rain, go away come again another day! I can remember being cooped up in the house during rain showers when I was a child. This little saying was what my mother taught me to say so that I could once again go outside to play. I am sure this saying has become a familiar one to us all in these days of excessive rain. Rain of course is needed, but my grass has had enough, thank you.

Rain is part of the rhythm of life. The rain comes and waters the ground and plants and everything is renewed. The patter of the rain makes sense to us as we listen and are reminded that we really are not in charge of anything. God is the driver, and we get to be His passengers as we travel down the road of life. Traveling is on the minds of many at this time. Vacations, camping, swimming, picnics, and playgrounds are all part of the rhythm of life. The time has come for these things as we emerge from winter dullness into the heat and thrill of summer.

Don't let the rain get you down, one of the side effects is that everything stays fresh and lush and green during these days. We live in a beautiful world. We are blessed beyond measure to live in a place that is free and safe for the most part. Enjoy these days and time with family and friends. Rest as much as you can and know that Jesus truly loves us, we can tell because He sends the rain!

I am so proud to be your pastor.
Pastor Bob


We want to know what is in it for us, with whip cream, extra nuts, and a cherry on top.

