Rally Together as the People of God

Dear friends in Christ,
September is upon us and once again we rally together as the people of God. What does it mean to rally? We see political rallies all the time nowadays on TV, but when we rally at church does it mean the same thing? I think in some areas it does, especially in one area. Political rallies are designed to raise excitement about a certain person or issue. Rally day at church is designed to get us excited about Jesus!! You might say, "Pastor I am always excited about Jesus." Well, that is good, but I also would say it is not a bad thing to be reminded that we are excited about Jesus.

We are working on a very exciting fall season. Sunday school is going to have a different look this year (more on that in another article). Confirmation will be happening this year! After a year off we are back to bringing our young people together to explore their faith and lives as Christian/Lutherans in the year 2024.
Our SAMs, Clione and Jeannine, and I have been working on the curricutum and I think it is going to be exciting and enjoyable for the kids.

This fall we also will be working on a stewardship campaign culminating with a Commitment Sunday on Reformation Day October 27. I ask that you begin praying about this program now. Pray about your financial gifts and how you can best serve God during the coming year. Many of us wonder what we can do to help our congregations. When we consider the current economy, we may feel like our dollars are stretched too thin already. Yet God is faithful in everything, and God will continue to provide, however you can help by giv. ing more, even if it a little bit more, to the cause of building the Kingdom of God.

These days are full of many fears and doubts, I feel them too. God is at work in the world, doing the work through our hands and feet. Doing the work through our ears and eyes. Doing the work using our minds and mouths to spread the Good News of Jesus to this broken and hurting world. I am comforted by many verses in the Bible none more than this from Psalm 121: "I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come. My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth." Take heart dear friends Jesus is near and He is with us, and He is loving us!! I am so proud to be your pastor.

Pray, Study, Worship,
Pastor Bob


December is Upon Us


New Orleans Youth Gathering Recap