
I'm back!!! Eight full weeks was a really long time!! The theme for this year in our synod is "rest" and as you probably already know, resting is not my forte! I took along a huge tote bag filled with my computer, weighty books on the role of leadership in congregations, scheduling materials for my home congregation, planning materials for the synod SAMs for whom I am basically a really bossy big sister (even bossier than with Pastor Bob!), and lots of devotional materials. I guess I forgot that I was going to be in a 200 sq. ft. space with a husband and dog, setting up and tearing down and moving every week, sightseeing, and constantly moving my phone and the hot spot until I could get some—any—internet to check my email and respond way too late. In other words, there was a lot of unintended and unavoidable resting that looked like waiting and just goofing off.

It took most of those eight weeks to realize that unread books, unread emails, schedules and plans that barely happened weren't the end of the world. In fact, the world had been flying by for quite a while and I'd been too involved with "work" to realize it. Maybe I had things a little backward: I've been trying to work first and then rest (or collapse as the case may be), when it's best to begin with rest so that I can work well. When I work from my rest, things are less stressful. There is a carryover of joy from rest to work. It's scriptural, too.

The first thing that humankind experiences is rest; after the creation of humankind, God—along with all of creation—rests. It is only then that man's work of stewardship began.

Bishop Daniel has offered a monthly calendar to help us see that the value of rest--including times of just looking around and waiting—is that it offers us a chance at practicing awareness of the world around us and thankfulness for it. You can find that resource at

I'm going to try to remember that, all time going forward is an opportunity for awareness and thankfulness. I'll be "working" a little more between helping Pastor Bob with visits and leading worship, doing some pulpit supply, and preparing for an event at synod assembly. But FIRST, I will rest--in a short morning devotional, in turning off the radio in the car and just looking at the world, in turning off the TV and going to bed at a decent hour (you know, the new day STARTS when the sun sets—read Genesis 1 carefully if you don't believe me!). In those times of rest, I will say, "Thank you, God, for being in this wonderful world. Thank you because your grace overlays it all."

I'm glad to be home,
SAM Jeannine




Lenten Journeys can be Powerful