A church where you can feel at home.
welcoming, comfortable, and relaxed
We are Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dowling, Ohio. A short drive from both Perrysburg and Bowling Green. We are a community that is excited about the future to which God is calling and the peace that can be found in the learning. We are a friendly and casual Lutheran church and would love to meet you and your family. Sunday Church Service is at 9:15 am and there are plenty of opportunities for Christian study, Sunday school, and life enrichment within our walls and online. Feel free to join us or contact us directly. We hope to see you soon!
In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Bob Noble

All are welcome!
Worship service is at 9:15 on Sunday both in person and online on Facebook. Join us no matter if you come every Sunday or haven’t been to church in years, all are welcome! We welcome noisy children (actually celebrate it) to middle-age to grandparents and everything in between.
Adult Sunday School begins on Sunday mornings at 8:00 and Children’s Sunday School is held during the 9:15 service after the children’s sermon. Bible study is offered on Wednesday evenings online.
Pictured are church youth ringing the bell during the Lord’s prayer. A favorite every week for the kids!

Monthly messages from church leaders.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8
Want to arrange a visit to the church, have a prayer request, question, newsletter submission, want to become a church member, have a wedding or baptism? Please feel free to reach out.